Should you be washing your hair with hot or cold water?
There are advantages and disadvantage to washing your hair with hot or cold water; but is one temperature better than the other; and is there a perfect routine? Washing your hair with HOT water (+/-) + Hot water rinses oil and dirt Hot water is the best temperature for washing hair that contains a lot of dirt, oil or product build-up. The heat from the water opens the hair cuticle open, allowing shampoo to more deeply clean. + Hot water dissolves hair products Heat speeds up the rate that cleansers can dissolve product residue. This allows you to more effectively clean your hair before applying new product. – Hot water can make your hair overly porous Hot water can dehydrate the scalp, resulting in reduced moisture in the hair. It can also dry your hair as it strips it of its natural oils – making it vulnerable to breakage. – Hot water causes frizz Every type of hair needs moisture to stay frizz free. As hot water strips the hair of natural oils, moisture escapes the hair shaft and can leave your hair frizzy. Washing your hair with COLD water (+/-) + Cold water makes your scalp cleaner Cold water shuts the hair cuticle and also closes your pores. By rinsing your hair with cold water, you protect the scalp pores from things like dirt, grease and oil. Also, if your pores are sealed, then you are also much less likely to suffer from hair fall. + Cold water makes your hair shinier Cold water will close the hair cuticle, resulting in a smoother, glossier surface. This is exactly the same as using cold air from a hair dryer to reduce frizz and add shine. + Cold water seals the moisture in your hair On closing the hair cuticle, cold water also seals in moisture. Whereas hot water can remove the moisture from your hair, cold water retains the moisture and the hair’s natural sebum. + Cold water improves the blood circulation to your scalp When you’re cold, your blood moves faster and your capillaries widen to warm you up. Blood will rush to the scalp and hair roots, giving them all the valuable nutrients they need to stay healthy. It should also be noted that poor blood circulation can contribute to causing hair loss! – Cold water can be uncomfortable Showering in a cold shower is not pleasant, especially in winter. – Cold water can reduce the volume of your hair Cold water can make your hair look less dense and reduce its volume. This could be a concern for guys who have naturally thin hair. Hot or cold water: The perfect hair washing routine? I’d always recommend using warm water (not hot water) to wash and condition your hair. Slightly cooler water (not scorching hot) will limit the amount of damage you could potentially do your hair, but also allow you to cleanse the hair of product build-up. Use cold water for your final rinse in order to seal and protect the hair. Choose a temperature that you feel comfortable in! (source) 11/1/2016 0 Comments As the Chair Turns - November 2016What's Inside This Month
7 Deadly Sins You're Committing with Your Hair Guys: Hot or Cold Wash? Easy & Clever Ways to Organize Your Hair Styling Tools How to Fix Split Ends Without Cutting Them Tutorial: Fishtail Braid Updo The Truth About Salon Shampoos Guys: Growing Your Hair Long Movies Opening This Month Next Generation Hot Tools Coconut Oil Hair Treatment Coming Soon on DVD / Streaming November Dates for Your Calendar soundbreaking - PBS, November 14th Hair Care Tips for Autumn and Winter Do You Have a Sense of Humor? Recipe: It's Turkey Time Gone Too Soon In the News: Hair and Beauty 10/26/2016 Long Hair. Don't Care (Client Profile)This is Mike. Mike has been a great client of mine for many years now and has gone through a few different hairstyles. Short and spikey (on the left) to his current look (on the right). He started growing his hair out before long hair was "cool" and rocks it really well, if I may say so myself.
While I have you, check out Mike's Band, Heavy Crown. They're a hard rock power trio based out of the San Francisco Bay Area with an indie-rock style with psychedelic and desert-rock influences. He's an awesome photographer, too. @mikey_stetz 10/12/2016 0 Comments What is a Taper?What is a Taper? Have you ever agreed to a taper and not know what it is? Have you ever been scared to try a taper because you think it goes down to skin? Do you even know what a taper is? This post is going to answer all of these questions and much more. You will pretty much get the break down on "The Taper." What is a taper? Ta-per: diminish or reduce or cause to diminish or reduce in thickness toward one end. Now what does it mean in the barbershop? It's not rocket sciences! It means the length of the hair reduces size in the "temple" area and/or in the "nape" area....Got it? No? Let's dummy it down for all y'all knuckleheads. It pretty much means the hair gets shorter on the sideburns and the neck area. Got it? No? Shit, at this point stop reading and head to the barbershop. Ask for a taper. They'll know. Not all tapers are "bald" tapers There are so many times when I recommend a taper to a client and they refuse because they think it goes down to skin. I mean, yes it can go down to skin but that's just one of the few. Tapers come in different shapes and sizes. Examples of different tapers Long on top + Size 4 on the sides + Size 2 on the neck? TAPERED
Size 3 all around + Bald on the neck and sideburns? TAPERED Finger length on top + Size 4 on the sides + Size 2 on sideburns + Bald on the neck? TAPERED Get the picture? Who's it for? Let's be honest, if you're not getting your hair tapered, you're stuck in the 70's and probably rocking a mullet (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). It's definitely recommended for everybody to get a bit of a taper. The benefits? The haircut looks a little bit cleaner, the ladies love the shorter hair on the back of the neck, and the haircut can last a tad bit longer. Conclusion? Get a Taper. Men do not usually study beauty in the same manner that female consumers do, and it is the stylist or barber’s job to teach your clients on maintaining their look weeks after they leave the salon.
For a well-rounded approach to personal care and a clean start to spring (or fall), here’s what you should be doing (and dodging) for the rest of your life: TO TAKE 1. Treat yourself to a pedicure. 2. As the weather warms up, all men should treat themselves to a pedicure. Spring means breaking out the sandals after months of hibernation in boots and thick socks, so there’s no shame in getting a much-needed scrubbing and buffing. 3. Tend to your skin. 4. Most men abide by a wash-and-go routine for their face, neglecting to replenish their skin with moisture. But building a skincare regimen is vital in maintaining healthy, smooth skin. Wash, tone, and moisturize daily—and don’t forget to exfoliate regularly. 5. Tame those errant hairs. 6. Follow the three commandments of putting your best face forward: Trim your eyebrows if they’re overwhelmingly bushy, wax away ear hair, and eliminate visible nose hair. Electric trimmers and mini scissors were made for keeping these features in check. Nobody likes to see unruly hairs poking out and taking care of the little details will go a long way. 7. Know your texture. 8. When styling your hair, make sure you choose a product that actually works for your texture. A heavy wax will weigh down fine hair, so opt for a lightweight texturizing product like Grooming Cream Ultralight Hold. For thick, coarse hair, avoid matte pomades in favor of liquid-based serums, gels and balms like Control Balm Strong Hold. 9. Frame your face. 10. Any kind of beard, whether it’s a full-grown forest or a five o’clock shadow, can be tailored to flatter your face. For those who want a well-defined beard line, adhere to the line of your jaw rather than your neck, as doing so can lead to a rounder shape and deemphasize the natural angles of your face. For a more lived-in look, taper your scruff slightly, so that it takes on a subtler but still flattering shape. 11. Keep it short and simple. 12. For guys who have receding or thinning hair it’s best to keep things on the shorter side. Don’t attempt to grow out fine hair—a shorter cut adds density and gives the appearance of fullness. TO TOSS 1. Dirty tools. 2. Consider this a PSA: grooming tools don’t clean themselves. If you’re guilty of going weeks without sanitizing your razors and clippers, remember that unsanitary tools are a breeding ground for bacteria and dead skin buildup. Disinfect them regularly and store them in a dry place. If you leave them on your sink or in your shower, they can easily rust and lead to an improper shave. 3. Using body products on your face. 4. Stop washing your face with bar soap. The ingredients are formulated for your body and can dry out and tighten the skin on your face. Instead, invest in a facial cleanser formulated for your skin type. 5. Neglecting your nails. 6. Ragged, overgrown claws are as unsightly as they are unhygienic, so it’s best to always keep your nails neat and trimmed. Well-groomed hands are an integral part of making a good first impression. 7. Shaving without prep. 8. Razor bumps, ingrown hairs, and red skin are prime offenders of a poor shaving routine. Prepping your skin and softening the beard before a shave is essential, as is shaving along the grain of the hair, not against it. Start with a warm towel followed by Beard Oil, Smooth Shave Cream or Clean Shave Hydrating Gel Cream. Treat the skin post-shave with a cold towel and aftershave or moisturizer to soothe. 9. An overpowering beard. 10. Don’t let your fuzz wear you. If a burly, lumberjack beard is your look of choice, continue to rock it but keep it clean and shaped. 11. DIY haircuts. 12. Leave the haircuts to the pros. Even if you’re in between trims and tempted to use that stray razor to clean up your neckline, more often than not doing it on your own leads to a crooked line. Published on |
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